1 MLN RACOONs spent at the Auction for 1st-mint NFT-Spots

2 min readAug 27, 2021


👋🏻 Friday greetings, Collectors!

Yesterday, on August 26th, we ran the Auction labeled as a fair NFT-market for the Collect’s Gallery Slots.

Big picture: auction — is a way to receive Collect Gallery Slot by competitive bids of potential owners.

To straighten out: the mechanics boil down to entering the public sale with main Collect attributes — Collect Key and an applicable amount of RACOONs.

Plus, there is no cap on how many RACOONs to bid within the Auction.

Results. Yesterday four winners acquired their places in the Collect NFT Gallery.

Receiving the Slot gives a chance to monetize it — the user can either exhibit his art or lease a Slot to other Creators.

The winners of the Auction were drawn 8 hours from the start and owned the most exclusive first-mint places:

  • Slot 1,
  • Slot 2,
  • Slot 3,
  • Slot 4 in Room 1.

In total, participants spent 1 million RACOONs to attain the Gallery Slots:
💰400K for Slot 1,
💰200K for each of the remaining three Slots.

Looking ahead, we are happy to pique the Users’ interest and get vast support on Auctions from the community.

💡Next time we prime for the next 4 Slots auctioning, stay tuned to announcements on our social media.





First “Collect to Earn” platform for collectors to track the progress, achieve and collaborate.